Sequel-Ace copied to clipboard
Cannot connect to AWS RDS using IAM Authentication
- Sequel Ace Version: 2.1.1 Build 2053
- macOS Version: 10.15.3
- MySQL Version:
Description Cannot connect to RDS using IAM authentication.
Error - MySQL said: Authentication plugin 'mysql_clear_password' cannot be loaded: plugin not enabled
@jamesstout @gboudreau Looks like Sequel Pro had made a manual alteration to support this?
Perhaps #201 related as well?
what happens if you start SA like this:
@pkhetrapal any chance of a test account/db?
Thanks for the reply guys.
works but it keeps the terminal session active and keeps logging
2020-07-10 11:42:55.239 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] LIBMYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN is set. Disabling keychain access. See Issue #2437
2020-07-10 11:42:55.240 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] reRequestSecureAccess to saved bookmarks
2020-07-10 11:43:03.496 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:03.496 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:03.496 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:03.496 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:03.516 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:03.516 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:09.186 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:09.188 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:49.327 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:49.327 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:49.327 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:49.327 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:49.336 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:49.336 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
2020-07-10 11:43:57.644 Sequel Ace[37446:45877622] Not yet implemented: mainWindow
Can this option added to Sequel Ace
Unfortunately I don't have access to a test account as all our dbs are behind a firewall. I will try to setup something though and let you know.
Wanted to update, I was able to use
and connect to our database. I do assume with this setup the token would go invalid after 15 minutes.
I tried LIBMYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN=1 /Applications/Sequel\\ Ace
, but didn't work.
Sequel Ace version is 2.3.0 (Build 2111).
Just to note, I connect via bastion server. mysql cli had successfully connected, so there should be something wrong with Sequel Ace
reproduced steps
% ssh -L ec2-user@BastionServer
% export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-northeast-1
% TOKEN="$(aws rds generate-db-auth-token --hostname $RDSHOST --port 3306 --username jane_doe )"
# making sure cli works
% mysql --host= --port=13306 --enable-cleartext-plugin --user=jane_doe --password=$TOKEN
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2780
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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
We're including the Cleartext plugin in the 2.3.1 @ken5scal, we just don't have a beta available yet. Please hold tight and we'll have a beta for you to test soon. Trying to wrap a few final issues into 2.3.1 before pushing it along.
Oh Ic. Thanks!
I believe Cleartext plugin was released btw.
Do you think it is possible to create something similar to what exists for Datagrip AWS Docs? This creates a very good user experience as the complexity of copy-pasting the password is hidden from the Client UI and user just have to click the login password.
We have a request for full support of AWS and it's on our roadmap, it's just not the top priority for now yet as we have some memory-leak / memory-management related issues that are causing stability issues.
Does this still need more info, per the tag? I'd love to be able to enable RDS IAM auth for my engineers.
The request we had was postponed so no-one really had a time to look into this, and to be completely honest I don't think anyone will be able to check that in near future, sorry 😞