James Stout

Results 41 comments of James Stout

You need to set the NSUserNotificationAlertStyle to alert in the app's Info.plist ``` xml NSUserNotificationAlertStyle alert ``` Then ``` objc NSUserNotification *note = [NSUserNotification new]; note.hasActionButton = NO; // means...

From the OS X [release notes](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#releasenotes/Cocoa/Foundation.html): > The user has ultimate control over what notifications are displayed, and the style (banner, alert, etc). There is no mechanism to override the...

@Lewiscowles1986 yes it works

Not yet - not had time. On 25 Jun, 2013, at 10:35 PM, porneL [email protected] wrote: > Have you managed to build it? > > — > Reply to this...

Somehow - I got it building... ![ia](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1576190/794998/67cbb976-ecd0-11e2-9eb5-ecc11f0db1fd.png)

It was a lot of trial and error. Not sure I can remember the steps. I'll start afresh and document.... I made some (private) changes to [sabnzb](https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd) and [CouchPotato](https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer) to...

Happy to try to add if you like? @vineetchoudhary

Submitted: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask/pull/91180 Will need to wait for review and then they'll ask you @vineetchoudhary to approve.

Add let me know when you release a new version...