James Spittal
James Spittal
> Me neither. I assume the Instagram API changed and this code didn't. Can anyone confirm whether this is the case or not?
I've noticed similar problems when using `--num-pages-for-keyword` myself.
I am getting the same error after running: `sudo docker run toendeavour/ssh-key-authority` I see: ``` config.ini not found or incorrect permissions. Permissions must be 100:65533 with at least 400 ```
Hi @asgrim You wrote: > Increase your memory limit and try again perhaps. In this environment, `memory_limit` (in `php.ini`) is set to `128M` by default. I have increased this to...
Thanks @Ocramius > 134217728 / 1024 / 1024 is still 128M You are correct. I have fixed this issue (the `memory_limit` increase wasn't being applied). Running with the `-d` flag...
@NJseo Can you elaborate upon what you mean?
@NJseo ah, interesting find.
Thought so. Thanks @akassover