James Simone

Results 41 comments of James Simone

@g3ortega on the subject of loading time: Gatsby offers caching for created nodes but we would have to change the id passed to the createNodeId function in the DocumentManager to...

@alexmacarthur just opened https://github.com/alexmacarthur/gatsby-source-dropbox-paper/pull/8 for that!

@g3ortega I am not sure of Gatsby’s internal expiration handling of the .cache folder; if any, but my guess is that all caching between builds that isn’t explicitly set using...

@solo-1234 thanks for logging this. as per our conversation last week, I have a good idea about how this issue could occur and should be able to quickly implement a...

@solo-1234 I've made a change that tentatively may address this. Looking forward to your feedback!

@solo-1234 I'll re-open, for now. I will have a reduced scheduled for open source work the next ~week or so. I've been trying to finish up #353 before that and...

Closing after talking to solo on Discord - the issue was with parent records still having 0 (which previously was the default value for number-based rollups, but had since been...

@fabm97 I will take a look at this as soon as I can. I have a bit less free time this week, but I will keep you updated on my...

@fabm97 I haven't forgotten about you! I was on vacation last week, and have been trying to finish working on #325 in the meantime. If I'm unable to slot the...