James Sharp
James Sharp
I've been getting this too With a setup of something like ``` javascript var rs = fs.createReadStream(filename); rs.on('data', function(data) { console.log(data); }).on('close', function() { console.log('close'); }); rs.pipe(unzip.Parse()); ``` I get...
Hi guys I've also been having a look at this (I need to be able to connect to get the master from a list of sentinels and reconnect to a...
Thanks. It's meant to create a single client that transparently handles failover/reconnect. The three clients that you can have (master/slave/sentinel) are meant to give you a persistent connection to each...
A couple of thoughts as to why it may not be working: - the default sentinel configuration won't actually failover until the master has been down for 30 seconds (I...
Yeh your goals are spot on. However a lot of them would actually be useful in the core `node_redis` client. When it comes down to it there shouldn't be any...