Jim Ressler
Jim Ressler
Ref: GeoPackage WKT Extension 1.1 (21-057): http://www.opengis.net/doc/IS/geopackage-crs-wkt/1.1 Epoch date. I understand the EPOCH implementation in 21-057 enables GeoPackage to specify a CRS realization (such as WGS 84 G1150, EPSG 9055)...
Using a Compound CRS for gridded data. How does GeoPackage specify a compound CRS in the gpkg_spatial_ref_sys table, which has a singular srs_id and no provision to specify the Vertical...
Supporting the use of Epoch in GeoPackages for the DGIWG GeoPackage profile (to be edition 1.1), related to issue #675, found a limitation that could be addressed by the SWG....