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Unofficial Python client and API for Renault ZE
May I have a raw dump of what pyze actually sends to server for this request? ``` 'actions/hvac-start', { 'type': 'HvacStart', 'attributes': { 'action': 'cancel' } } ``` I am...
Hello, I'm trying to recompose the Renault API process in Postman but I'm still facing an issue that I don't understand when I'm trying to find my accountID in Kameron....
Since around 30 minutes ago I'm getting a 500 error on the battery status. ``` requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: ``` And the cli is...
Hi there, first at all: Thx to all who are working on this project! I enjoy using it :-) I found out that the `pyze charge-history` shows no `Charge gained`...
Hi @jamesremuscat, I am wondering if you would be willing to opening up your repository to more collaborators, or moving your repository to a GitHub organisation. I am guessing that...
At the moment, anything that goes wrong during the Gigya login process throws the same generic RuntimeError. This makes it for users of the API impossible to detect (and catch)...
Good evening, pyze works very fine for me but now i get the message "your have reached your quota limit". Does anyone now what are the restrictions of accessing data?...
ABRP ( does allow nowadays to synchronize live data of the car to their servers for use in their app. E.g. the battery state, projected range, charging state help for...
Hi, Do you think it is possible to use the "Kamereon.vehicles" response to work out what functionnality is available (or not available)? In particular, it would be great to at...
Hi everyone, I can't seem to find a discussion regarding the charge_mode endpoint. Currently it fails on my Zoe (ZE40 R90) : 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error on url......