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Does charge mode work for some users?
Hi everyone,
I can't seem to find a discussion regarding the charge_mode endpoint. Currently it fails on my Zoe (ZE40 R90) : 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error on url...
Is this one of those endpoints that is only available on ZE50?
Working for my ZE40 Q90:
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "GET /commerce/v1/accounts/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/v1/cars/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/charge-mode?country=GB HTTP/1.1" 200 None
DEBUG:pyze.api.kamereon:Received Kamereon vehicle response: {"data":{"type":"Car","id":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx","attributes":{"chargeMode":"schedule_mode"}}}
Looks like my "ZE interactive" contract didn't renew properly... My "Z.E. Connect" contract renewed ok, but ZE interactive is stuck in "activating"
I wonder if it's possible to get that information from PYZE. It appears in my contract list on the Renault app...
I think this isn't yet implemented in Pyze but I found the endpoint while building my own Zoe app:{accountId}/vehicles/{vin}/contracts?connectedServicesContracts=true&warranty=true&warrantyMaintenanceContracts=true&country=AT&lang=de&brand=RENAULT
Maybe something that can be implemented in the future in Pyze also :)