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A smart and blazing fast browser feature detector for Django.

====== Django-SmartAgent


:Author: James Pacileo @ignighted <>_

:Version: 0.1.0

:Description: django-smartagent is a lightning fast and complete browser, OS and device detection utility. It includes various mobile site targeted features.

:Requirements: Django 1.2+


Install from PyPI


pip install django-smartagent


easy_install django-smartagent

To install the app add smartagent to INSTALLED_APPS



Add the middleware



The middleware is used to attach the browser characteristics to the request object, which will be accessible through request.browser_info

User-Agent data file

Django-SmartAgent comes pre-packaged with a data file containing browser info agents_basic.pkl. The datafile is built using various resources on the net and generated to be made compatible with the library.

You can grab the latest datafile from github

Once you grab the latest data file, place it under your project folder. To inform Django-SmartAgent of the file location you need to edit by adding:


    'AGENT_DATASET_LOCATION': '/path/to/agent_data_set.pkl',

Utilities for mobile sites

As it is popular for sites to have a mobile version, there are a few utility methods within the project.

A render_to decorator (based on django-annoying's render_to) renders a page using a desktop or mobile version of a site, depending if the user-agent is a mobile device or not.


@render_to(template='desktop_template.html', mobile_template='mobile_template.html')
def page(request):

    articles = Articles.objects.all()[:30]
    return {
        'articles': articles,

which is the equivalent of:


def page(request):

    articles = Articles.objects.all()[:30]
    if request.browser_info.get('ismobiledevice') and not request.session.get('force_desktop_version'):
        return render_to_response('mobile_tempalte.html', {'articles':articles, },
    return render_to_response('desktop_tempalte.html', {'articles':articles, },

Two utility URLs exist which are used to force/unforce the desktop vesion of the site. This is due to users not always wanting to view the mobile version of the site.

  • smartagent/force_desktop_version/ forces the desktop version for mobile sites

  • smartagent/unforce_desktop_version unforces the desktop version, forcing mobile devices to view the mobile version


urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^smartagent/', include('smartagent.urls')))


A settings variable can be added to your project settings.

The structure is the following:




django-smartagent adds the browser_info dictionary to the request object containing features associated with the user's browser.


  • Fields exposed within browser_data + +=======================+==============================================+
  • FIELD NAME + FIELD DESCRIPTION + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • cdf + If Channel Definition Format is supported + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • activexcontrols + If activexcontrols are supported + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • cookies + If cookies are supported + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • supportscss + If CSS is supported + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • cssversion + Max CSS version supported + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • majorver + Major version + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • tables + If tables are supported + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • iframes + If iframes are supported + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • vbscript + If browser supports Visaul Basic scripting + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • platform + Host platform of the user's browser + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • version + Host OS version + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • javaapplets + If browser supports Java Applets + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • backgroundsounds + If browser supports background sounds + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • win64 + If the host OS is 64bit + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • javascript + If browser supports Javascript + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • beta + If browser is a beta distribution + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • alpha + If browser is an alpha distribution + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • minorver + Minor version + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • issyndicationreader + If user agent is a syndacation reader + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • win32 + If the host OS is 32bit + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • ismobiledevice + If host machine is a mobile device + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • crawler + If user agent is a web crawler + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • win16 + If the host OS is 16bit + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+
  • browser + Browser's name + +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+