Results 174 comments of James Saryerwinnie

There's not really a way to do this right now. The way I've usually handled this is to have a `URL_PREFIX` that for local testing is empty and for prod...

Sorry for the delay on this. I've been thinking through how to solve this, and I think we'd always have to have the entry points be something in the `app`...

Yeah, it seems like that's an optimization we should be able to make. The main benefits you get now are 1) skipping the pip download process and 2) sharing the...

There's not a good way to override this if you're using `chalice deploy`. If you're using the `chalice package` command, you could have a json snippet that overrides the `uri`...

We might be able to just start with the `AutoPublishAlias` that SAM has and suggested here: That seems like a good first pass to support provisioned concurrency.

> This is found when being packaged to terraform but may also be the case for other deployment options. Correct. The docs you link mention only Lambda functions are tagged...

There's some info about policy generation here:, as well as more information about config values here: Do you think a separate doc page all about IAM policy generation...

Looks like this is a regression introduced in 1.18.1 when trying to fix Thanks for reporting.