James Loosli
James Loosli
I got this same stack trace today with kustomize version 4.2.0. I'm not 100% what caused it.
Aha here's the easiest way to reproduce; ```yaml apiVersion: getambassador.io/v3alpha1 kind: Mapping metadata: name: client spec: hostname: "needs.a.hypenated.prefix" service: placeholder:8080 ``` ```yaml # replacement.yaml source: { kind: ConfigMap, name: someConfigMap,...
I'm having this same experience as well. I've got a canned set of replacements that I keep copy-pasting into kustomization.yaml for several services. I attempted to create a transformer using...
After some shuffling, and sticking closer to the the documentation I ended up with a security warning. Here's what I tried; ```yaml # service-a/kustomization.yaml apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Kustomization bases: -...
As with most things, I should have read the documentation further. `--load-restrictor=LoadRestrictionsNone` let me reference a standard set of replacements that were used across all of my services.
I'm also having this issue. it's causing quite a bit of pain.
sorry to go dark on this. I think we can close this particular issue, as it seemed to have been a red herring.
Is there any documentation or working examples for labelSelector? I'm trying the following; base.yaml ```yaml --- apiVersion: getambassador.io/v3alpha1 kind: Host metadata: name: api-regional labels: host-type: regional spec: hostname: "api.nonprod-us-west-2.some.link" ---...
Same issue is biting me as well. I'm running into this running `pulumi up` from the context of a github action, which has two aws profiles; `default` and `cosm-sandbox`. My...