James Holcomb

Results 19 issues of James Holcomb

RN 0.59.7 react-native-branch 2.3.3 I utilize long + quick links containing key/value pairs for routing URLs to specific scenes in my app. For example: https://my.app.link/someaction?key1=value1 I have been using `~referring_link`...

I could not find a way to do this.

Wasn't sure if this was the right venue for feature requests. See Sencha's impl here for reference: http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.1.0-gpl/examples/grid/group-header-grid.html

Feature Request

Would it be possible for the extension to list the available exports from a package once it is selected (typed in)? I find myself using the `imd` snippet from JavaScript...

In macOS, users can choose to create multiple (up to 16) desktops, aka “Spaces,” using Mission Control. Each Thorium window can exist in a different Space. Users arrange their application...

...update [email protected] ### Summary (If you have not already please refer to the contributing guideline as [described here](https://github.com/feathersjs/feathers/blob/master/.github/contributing.md#pull-requests)) - [x] Tell us about the problem your pull request is solving....

Trying to utilize `ioredis` for the `redisClient` option (I depend on sentinels which is unsupported by `node-redis` functions as expected with feathers@4 and feathers-sync@2: ```js .configure( sync.redis({ key: app.get("feathers").sync.key, redisClient:...

hi amos, seeing this error on a new install... ``` - wait compiling /(marketing)/blog/page (client and server)... - error ./app/(marketing)/blog/page.tsx:2:0 Module not found: Can't resolve '@template/contentlayer' 1 | import {...

Thanks @crutchcorn for putting this component together. I had a few requests for your consideration given my use case: - Remove dep on react-native-paper - Add option for initial value...