James Holcomb

Results 33 comments of James Holcomb

I think you could do this with template functions [#11] now: ````js let index = 0; const counter = () => ++index; const template = { email: () => `user_${counter()}@myservice.com`...

It's because you passed the result of a function call. Use `counter` or an arrow function per the example.

I agree with @thosakwe here. `feathers-seeder` just deals with services and not those types of concerns. Can you have sequelize drop/create the db before seeding?

The code which calls `create()` uses `Promise.all()`, so there is no guarantee of order. It could be refactored to use an array reducer and thus execute in sequence...or you could...

I tested and confirmed working on 0.50.3. Check https://github.com/zetachang/react-native-dotenv/issues/30

You can work around this by declaring two variables in the `.env`. ServerUrl_Android=http://localhost:3030 ServerUrl_iOS=http://myserver.local:3030 Then in your app.js import { ServerUrl_iOS, ServerUrl_Android } from "react-native-dotenv" export const SERVER_URL = Platform.OS...

Not sure about `productFlavors` but with `buildTypes` I use: ```` buildTypes { debug { resValue "string", "places_api_key", "AIza..." } release { resValue "string", "places_api_key", "AIza..." } ````

In my testing on 61.5 and 5.0.0 beta 1, universal links (branch shortened to *.app.link) for iOS 13 open correctly for both cold start and background resume. Same with android....

Could you comment on https://github.com/BranchMetrics/react-native-branch-deep-linking-attribution/issues/530#issuecomment-640347950

Same issue...in 4.4 (Android only) with `singleTask`.