James Liu
James Liu
Oops, I actually got the error in the other jQuery addon, DateTimePicker. Whenever I clicked on datetimepicker element, it throws me the error, but only when I reference the jslider...
You can use the same example I sent earlier ( also attached here just in case), and below is the information and download link for the DateTimePicker addon. http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/ Thank...
Sorry, I packaged everything in the attachment and also sent out your gmail this time. I also attached a couple screenshots here. And you should see two errors below: 1....
It does resolve the 1st issue, but the slider still doesn't work. I cannot move the pointer in the slide. Any idea about the issue 2? Appreciate your help again....
Hi @summeroff thanks for commenting. I did build the libobs by running the `./slobs_CI/build-script-osx.sh` script. However, I thought I had to add the `DENABLE_UI=false` in the script in order to...
@summeroff Thanks for posting the env vars for the script. I basically built using very similar env values. I guess the `DENABLE-UI=false` is not required when building obs-studio for custom...
Hi @jagaa99a , I just ran into the same error. Did you manage to resolve that? Thanks. > cpack -G TGZ > CPack Error: CPack project name not specified
Just realize that there's no cpack included in the CMakeLists file. I added the following lines in the end of the CMakeLists and was able to pack successfully. ``` set(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME...
@mmppeegg @kbse1980 do you guys have any luck with this virtual webcam on m1 devices. Tried today and I couldn’t see the virtual cam showing in any apps though the...