James Duffy
James Duffy
I think muting users is called unfollowing :ghost:
How long until we can stop supporting Twitter all together? jk. But really Twitter? Step your game up.
So is this even possible?
Updating the issue. Removed irrelevant comments.
I would like to see the settings specific to the user account be under an account specific page. I don't use notifications so I was unaware they aren't per account.
https://twitter.com/PenisVuvuzela/status/364850921823404034 https://twitter.com/NinjaCyborg/status/364796788324044800
How is Tablet support coming along? ETA for when we can see a build?
Nexus 7 On Mar 7, 2013 7:41 AM, "Jason Famularo" [email protected] wrote: > I don't have an Android tablet to test on, so it's going to be a bit. >...
Yeah, the messaging API on ADN is a powerful beast and in no way compares to twitter's (simple) messaging
@fammy do you really want this? I have no problems sending people to get Jr. Adding this would be a lot of work since ADN and twitter have far different...