Make a test sinatra app using the zipkin-tracer and stuff it into a docker test to integration test this functionality. References Integration testing issue #57
Is it possible to create links to reference Scala Library classes using the square-bracket syntax (e.g. [[scala.Option]] ) in tut? We're moving some of our scaladoc examples over to md...
Rails 4.0.0, Ruby 1.9.3 ``` NoMethodError - undefined method `v' for #: ``` I downloaded the Railscast repo for Ransack and upgraded it to Rails4, when I add letters into...
The Consumer API was modified with changes required by the JavaSimpleConsumer.
Create java based consumer: - non blocking, can specify multiple threads - supports multiple topics and streams - takes in custom consumer worker classes Currently, the JavaSimpleConsumer doesn't support these...
As of now error messages are puts to STDOUT. These messages should probably be logged.
``` ruby #Current defaults DEFAULTS = { 'partitioner.class' => 'kafka.producer.DefaultPartitioner', 'request.required.acks' => '1', 'message.send.max.retries' => '0' }.freeze ``` I'm thinking we should make: `request.required.acks` = -1 (needs ack from all...
Changed the Promise creation to have it immediately start executing the code block. The returned promise is executing. ``` p = Hermann::Producer.new('test', '0:9092') promise = p.push("test123") #promise is executing sleep...