James Casbon
James Casbon
I see this consistently trying to instlal live share on a remote ssh host. Reinstalling does not work. eamodio.gitlens-9.9.1 ms-python.python-2019.6.24221 ms-vscode.cpptools-0.24.1 ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-1.0.614 mutantdino.resourcemonitor-1.0.6 twxs.cmake-0.0.17 vector-of-bool.cmake-tools-1.1.3
From a quick look, it seems like the tuple type only needs to be built on the first call. It can then be reused for further calls. Let me know...
See pull request #21
Same problem here, segfault after "2018-11-26 09:07:51,264 INFO Building type environment..." Process starts allocating more and more memory and then goes down. Would be very nice to have excludes for...
Nice work. The larger problem, it seems to me, is that VCF is madder than a box of frogs as a file format. eg it includes at least two incompatible...
Its not easy at the minute. For performance reasons, we store the data from each cell in a namedtuple (see https://github.com/jamescasbon/PyVCF/blob/master/vcf/model.py#L529 ). These are immutable, and hence its hard to...
Checkout this branch... https://github.com/jamescasbon/PyVCF/tree/wip/82-add-call-data ``` In [1]: import vcf In [2]: r = vcf.Reader(open('vcf/test/miseq.vcf')) In [3]: c = r.next().samples[0] In [4]: c.add_field('FOO', 'BAR') In [5]: c Out[5]: Call(sample=Sample1, CallData(GT=0/1, AD=[244,...
@alimanfoo ?? Any feedback?
I think I asked people for help about 5 years ago. Didn't get any responses. Could try again. We need some high quality pull requests for things such as vcf4.2...
@dridk see above