@tbarbugli Can you explain how to use this `{ targetFeeds: ["notification:thierry"] }` whose name should be mentioned inside the notification
In Like list of single post if i press the user avatar or the whole list I need a onClick function so that i could handle the click event
I followed everything said in this link https://github.com/react-native-community/upgrade-helper/issues/191 and added below lines ``` Go to Build Settings Find Preprocessor Macros To Debug add new value: FB_SONARKIT_ENABLED=1 ``` But, Still I'm...
Can anyone help me for me using `[RNSplashScreen show]` shows up a black screen and if I use `[RNSplashScreen showSplash:@"LaunchScreen" inRootView:rootView]` app is getting crashed
@simonwalker-celadin Add LaunchImage with all the sizes given there in Images.xcassets then go to targets add the launchImage name which you have created in Images.xcassets to Launch Screen File in...
Is there a way to record the call if users grant permission to record?
I have changed the code in node_modules/react-native-switch/lib/Switch.js as I mentioned and it's working fine
Any updates regarding this