1. How do I add blank gaps between videos in a live show? 2. IS their any order to the display of videos in a liveshow?
Is there an option for the statistics of which media are shown and at what time in a liveshow. The pp_log.txt when set with the -d option provides a lot...
I want to add a web page to the liveshow and there is no clear guidance. Do I just drop an html file? I need a specific page to be...
* Building project in /Users/jamesagada/Downloads/purescript-presto-master/examples/billpay-react Error 1 of 13: at bower_components/purescript-st/src/Control/Monad/ST.purs:3:44 - 3:50 (line 3, column 44 - line 3, column 50) Unable to parse module: Unexpected token 'Region' See...