I may be misunderstanding, but as far as I can see there is already an explanation of parentheses in the [built-in functions lesson](https://swcarpentry.github.io/python-novice-inflammation/01-intro/index.html#built-in-python-functions): > When we want to make use...
Hi, wondering if there's been any progress on this?
Hi @mdavis332, thanks for looking into this. What you describe sounds like exactly the issue I was having, good to know it's due to the code verifier being written into...
**Further information:** Using my browser's developer tools, I can see that the state and session cookies have an expiry date in the past: ``` Set-Cookie: mod_auth_openidc_session=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan...
> **Further information:** Using my browser's developer tools, I can see that the state and session cookies have an expiry date in the past: > > ``` > Set-Cookie: mod_auth_openidc_session=;...