Firstly brilliant tool (many thanks) just helped me shave 50% of the size of my bundle. What would be really cool would be an easy way to fin out why...
I have a number of react apps that use a shared component library. Each app uses a different subset of the shared library. In each apps webpack config I have...
Currently multi-loader only supports string based (sub) loaders e.g. ```` { test: /\.txt$/, loader: multi ('raw-loader', 'raw-loader'), } ```` However the following fails: ```` { test: /\.txt$/, loader: multi({loader: "raw-loader"},...
Be good to define what version(s) of node the app will run on. See https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#engines
I noticed the symphony-launch.json config file in the public directory Just for fun I tried to run it ```openfin -l -c public/symphony-launch.json``` I got lots of console output including the...
Thanks for the repo - got me started nice and quickly with svelte and Webpack. One thing I noticed is that after running ```npm build ``` the output bundle ```/public/app.js```...
According to this page http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/grid#configuration-toolbar You need to get the Kendo widget instance to display a toolbar in a grid using the following code ``` kendo.bind(gridWidgetInstance.element.find("k-grid-toolbar")) ``` However the widget...