James Elliott

Results 429 comments of James Elliott

@all-contributors please add @Ohelig for docs

Thanks @oschwald I'll make a PR with this soon.

Just letting you know @MasterKale that the PR is up. There's no rush on my end, I understand you may need to get some feedback from someone else or may...

This seems to work as I think would be desirable. The only thing I've yet to work out is how to return the room to onConnectFail. ``` def _joinThread(self): while...

This seems to work: http://pastebin.com/QbU59SnP Two edits: ch.RoomManager._joinThread: self._rooms[room] = con is now: if con.connected == True: self._rooms[room] = con ch.Room._connect: now has a try except, except sets the connected...

Side note, maybe there is a better way to handle disconnects. Is there an inbuilt method to automatically try and reconnect to disconnected rooms which handles failures well?

The issue happened for me on Windows 7 64bit. I have no issues on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit or Debian 7 64bit (separate servers). Just wanted to clarify. Did not think...

Here's the pastebin of the 1.3.4 version which apparently works. I'll test it when I get home. http://pastebin.com/s1UGcrEY (Set to expire in 1 month)

Piks, yeah Windows only at this point. no issue anywhere else. :|