James Elliott

Results 429 comments of James Elliott

I'm a member of the Authelia open source project and it's the http implementation we're using. May not be what you're specifically asking but it may help either way: https://github.com/authelia/authelia

Just build it using firmtool, though since that's untested and probably never will be, not recommended at all.

You need to copy arm9loaderhax.bin from the Luma release onto the root of your SD card.

Make sure the arm9loaderhax.bin is on your SD card, copy it directly from the Luma3DS.zip if it already exists and replace it.

A picture of the glitched screen may help (not 100% sure).

I'm going to guess that it's the same filename as you see in the GUI except it ends in .tar? For example if you have file.tar.bz2 and inside that is...

Here is a golang starting point: https://hastebin.com/wefigowace.go (used this to generate the sums, basically same code so would need some testing i.e. hekate generating hashes in a test build and...

Adapted my golang example to use sha1sums files.. I've not finished a backup using your commit yet (it's running now) so am not sure it will work but will check...

Works as expected, adding some cli flags to allow users to combine/rehash the larger files instead of just chunks. I also did the part file dumps (fat32). Which worked fine.