Goran Nakerst
Goran Nakerst
While working with polynomials in `SymPy.jl` I encountered segfaults when using Julia threads. MWE: ``` julia> using SymPy julia> @syms a (a,) julia> p = sympy.Poly(a^2 + 3*a -2, a)...
related #500 Expressions involving floats seem not to be evaluated, see e.g. ```` @var x[1:1] F = System( x.^2; variables=x) typeof(F([2])) == Vector{Int32} F = System( 2 * x.^2; variables=x)...
See the following MWE: ``` n = 1000 A, B = rand(n,n), rand(n,n) C = similar(A) mul!(C, A, B) @profilehtml mul!(C, A, B) ``` The flamegraph is nicely produced as...
Opening the first sample notebook on WSL Ubuntu I get ``` IOError: realpath("/mnt/c/home/goran/.julia/pluto_notebooks/sample Getting started 1.jl"): no such file or directory (ENOENT) Stacktrace: [1] uv_error @ ./libuv.jl:97 [inlined] [2] realpath(path::String)...
## Details ``` using Plots; pyplot() plot(rand(10); mirror=true) # works fine plot(rand(10); mirror=true, framestyle=:box) # axes not mirrored ``` All other styles I tested (`:semi`, `:axis`) worked fine. `xmirror` and...
Consider ``` julia> Base.Broadcast.combine_eltypes(+, (zero(Sym), zero(Sym))) Any ``` coming from https://github.com/JuliaSparse/SparseArrays.jl/issues/75, where adding of sparse matrices with `Sym` type fails.
**Describe the bug** When launiching Julia with NSight on Windows 11 some functions error with PTX compile error. **To reproduce** The Minimal Working Example (MWE) for this bug: ``` A...
Consider ``` julia> using SymPy julia> A = spzeros(Sym, 2,2) 2×2 SparseMatrixCSC{Sym, Int64} with 0 stored entries: ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ julia> B = sparse(Sym[1 0;0 1]) 2×2 SparseMatrixCSC{Sym, Int64}...
As Julia is for now exclusively using CSC storage format, the matrix-dense-vector multiplication is faster for symmetric/hermitian matrix `A` if one computes `A' * v` instead of `A * v`....
[Plut.jl](https://github.com/fonsp/Pluto.jl) is a reactive notebook server written in Julia. It spawns different notebooks in separate Julia processes. The by default enabled parallelization of `em!` tries to access other running processes....