
Results 38 comments of jalvesz

After reading some of the comments here I feel that another pain point is "how easy is it to get someone's PR locally to actually test it and review it"?...

>Maybe. However, I think that the best would be that fpm supports fypp natively. Maybe we should first focus on that task first. Ok, so I think I understood where...

Hi, I wanted to know if there are some thoughts on adding by default the /fpp flag within fpm? It seems to me this could avoid unnecessary build-time errors with...

@perazz maybe you know if there is a way to avoid launching the tests `test_always_fail` and `test_always_skip` when doing `fpm test` ? The other solution I have in mind is...

>I think the question is why those tests are there in the first place for? In other words, is there a valid reason those dummy tests should be kept into...

Thanks @jvdp1, removing those tests enables indeed testing from the root build using fpm! I'll propose a modification to the README.md before moving from draft to ready for review.

For reference, the SciPy IO API: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.io.mmwrite.html#scipy.io.mmwrite the TACO library also offers an API of the sorts for C++ and Python: http://tensor-compiler.org/docs/scientific_computing.html

I've also used the same format locally to then use matplotlib's spy https://matplotlib.org/stable/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.spy.html So basically take whichever sparse format > transform to COO > dump a file `.dat`

It could be good to have them for comparison, but it could be the occasion to make a clean-room design. Maybe decided on the style for the signature of IO...

>Regarding the allocation question @jalvesz, please let me know. Because there are 3/4 allocations per case, the subroutine interface would look similar to gelsd: something like call lstsq_solve(A,b,x,rwork,iwork,cwork,rank,err) so if...