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Squasher - squash your old migrations in a single command

Results 10 squasher issues
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Related issue https://github.com/jalkoby/squasher/issues/70

As per issue #68, this PR allows multiverse to be present by allowing the user to specify other database keys that should be loaded. There is also a change to...

Hello, this issue happen recently. When I run squasher, this error occurred: `Squasher couldn't load `database.yml`. Please, make sure that it's present and doesn't include any ruby code.` And this...

We are using the multiverse gem to support multiple databases. I've found that the way that the Config's `@dbconfig` var is created, Squasher cannot start due to errors trying to...

Use safety_assured in init_schema if [strongmigrations](https://github.com/ankane/strong_migrations) are in use so that foreign keys can still be applied.

I read the README. I've talked to colleagues. And it is not clear why one would need to use this gem. The DB schema is in `schema.rb` or `structure.sql`. This...

Squasher is a very helpful library to organise migrations and squashed them for instance, into one migration per year. When trying to achieve this behaviour using the library I noticed...