You're right, Manuel may just be using it as a placeholder or it is a mistake. Maybe raise an issue in that repository.
Rather than having an invert checkbox for each actor the current convention is to choose an inverted actor. For example Relayboard is an inverted version of GPIOsimple and is available...
It depends on how you have your relays wired but if you're finding that they're on when they should be off then yes the inverted PWM plugin should solve this.
When you say still the same, can you detail the problem that you are experiencing?
It might be sensible to have just a single GPIO and PWM actor with a drop down to select inverted? Would be as simple as adding a selection property to...
I've not really looked at the PWM actor in too much detail but am I right in thinking you simply invert the duty cycle? IE 100% duty cycle for an...
You're right, it needs a few changes. I've noticed the term duty cycle being used in the PWM actor where it should really be titled frequency and may be confusing...
I was able to manually update the cached IP via the Django admin panel but this doesn't seem intuitive. It seems that when DNS Lookup returns a new IP that...
Yes the connection failed, admittedly I was editing my network and changing the subnet that these devices were on so I expected a little bit of resetting but ideally mDNS...
I haven't had any luck publishing commands via MQTT to Brewpiless, has this issue ever been resolved?