Results 53 comments of Jakub Syty

Well, i guess i'll have to do that. And what about the if check on `ReturnModels.Count` ignoring `Settings.StoredProcedureReturnTypes`? It might not solve my case, but i still believe that this...

Same thing here on 2.0.2

Is this topic dead? It seems like even Android Studio is moving to use `plugins` block by default ( and yet this is untouched in 2 years now

@pedrofsn and why are you telling us this?

Now, when google announced JetPack Compose, i think Anko will be officially dumped. I don't think there is more reason to invest in that

There is gonna be ef version supporting netstandard (. Net core 3), so I think it's premature to tell 6.3 won't be released

Facing exact same issue but only when i try to use object box with freezed. Using only objectbox @Entity everything works fine

I also tried: ``` public Span MatchTrack(long trackId) { var keyMemory = BitConverter.GetBytes(trackId).AsMemory(); using (keyMemory.Pin()) { var key = new DirectBuffer(keyMemory.Span); var value = default(DirectBuffer); using (var cursor = databaseHolder.StoreDatabase.OpenReadOnlyCursor(tx))...

@vlado-rudenok Are you planning on doing PR to freezed package with that?

I think this is related to and it's a killer for me. I'm stuck on 5.1.1 until this gets fixed