Jakob Aarøe Dam
Jakob Aarøe Dam
IE11 bug. When the page has/or had a scroll-bar it's not possible to click on the dates.  On the image attached, in IE Dom Exp., the mouse is placed...
### Check that this is really a bug - [X] I confirm ### Reproduction link https://codesandbox.io/s/swiper-centered-auto-angular-forked-fo69uk?file=/src/app/app.component.ts ### Bug description Loop mode doesn't work as expected in Angular. Setting `slidesPerView` to...
I was trying to replace an id `long` with a more informative type, using the following approach: ``` [TableName("Agreement")] [PrimaryKey("Id")] public class Agreement { public AgreementId Id { get; set;...
Maybe include locale files in the gulp build...