Jake Ireland

Results 36 issues of Jake Ireland

I'm not sure if this is still being worked on, but I really like the idea. One thing I would love to see is a flag to change the contrast...

Added `wheel` and `numpy` to pip dependencies. Added FreeBSD support (tested on FreeNAS). Added some questions I had that were answered in closed issues to README (for ease of use).

After `serve`-ing the website locally and it working, I pushed to my GitHub, and it errored: ``` The tag `asset` on line 24 in `_includes/head.html` is not a recognized Liquid...

There is [this](https://github.com/laher/wget-go), but it's not hugely well-known, and only a partial port and hasn't been update in a while. This tool's name (`got`) is really excellent, and I would...

Is there any chance you would be able to make a markdown document that gave some simple examples of python scripts using this tool so that beginners (like me; people...

Hi there! A few months back, I wrote a port of [this gist](https://gist.github.com/MicahElliott/719710) to convert RGB to XTerm256 colours (or their nearest approximation). **I don't know much about colours**. This...


As stated [here](https://github.com/JuliaMath/SpecialFunctions.jl/blob/master/src/gamma.jl#L888), if `x` is a float, instead of `factorial(x)` it should use the `gamma(x+1)` function instead. This is not the what is happening, as seen by this output:...

_Issue discovered by @AndiMD originally in [#295](https://github.com/JuliaMath/Polynomials.jl/issues/295#issuecomment-737641577):_ Possibly related, [Unitful.jl](https://github.com/PainterQubits/Unitful.jl) compatibility: ```julia julia> using Polynomials, Unitful julia> fit([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0].*u"m", [6.0,4.0,7.0,7.5].*u"m",2) ERROR: DimensionError ... ``` --- Response from @jverzani on 5th Dec.,...

- Improved string safety by using `SubString`, `prevind`, `nextind`, `firstindex`, and `lastindex` where possible. - Made performance improvements by changing `findfirst(isequal(c), str)` to `findfirst(c, str)` (no allocating, much faster), and...

I was having a look at the code (excellent package, by the way!), and noticed that you use `@assert` to validate certain data. In the future, Julia might be allowing...