Jake Petroules

Results 14 comments of Jake Petroules

Probably we can use NSWindowMaskFullScreenContentView or whatever it's called. Also, CoreUI rendering still draws 10.9'ish in 10.10 and [NSWindow coreUIRenderer](while it still exists) returns nil. Might just be a bug...

Are you sure you are running the latest version of Yosemite? I remember seeing an identical rendering artifact in the first couple previews; it's gone as of the third. Also,...

Hm. I wonder if INAppStoreWindow could be re-engineered as a shim for new Yosemite NSWindow APIs...

> There's no workaround that I can see, so I'll file a radar but it's unlikely that they're going to reverse that decision. Why would (or should) they? We should...

Without looking at the code... IIRC, OS X has a specific _dragging_ event, perhaps the code is only tracking mouse down, move, up, etc, instead of actual drag events?

@lo5co Can you please check if this issue still exists in the latest master?

Is any part of this still relevant now that we are ARC only?

Re-adding the title bar container to the theme frame should probably be looked at, though. I have all versions of OS X available so I can test this later if...

Attempting to toggle NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask on 10.7 seems to put the window in a totally corrupted state with or without the changes described here. I don't have time to debug this...

Yeah, I think an `editedImage` property on INWindowButton would make sense.