Jake Lewis

Results 7 issues of Jake Lewis

line 134: view.setUint32(4, 32 + samples.length * 2, true); Shouldn't this be 36 rather than 32? on line 128 you assign a buffer: var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(44 + samples.length...

According to https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=327649 createScriptProcessor will not fire onaudioprocess in Chrome unless there is both 1 output channel, AND the node is connected to the audiocontext's destination. The updated the init...

void slope_xyseries_update(SlopeXySeries *self) { SlopeXySeriesPrivate *priv = SLOPE_XYSERIES_GET_PRIVATE(self); SlopeScale * scale = slope_item_get_scale(SLOPE_ITEM(self)); const double * x = priv->x_vec; const double * y = priv->y_vec; priv->x_min = priv->x_max = x[0];...

Unzipping the CUDA or portable zip distributions causes an error on Windows 10, I believe because the windows native unzipper cannot handle the LZMA format used in compression. As a...


First off, a big thank you for posting this code. So far I've compiled the Air app in FlashDevelop and ran it in the standalone player. I 'Load neural network'...

This PR replaces my previous PR #19 which can be ignored and closed. ![Audio Settings Dialog II ](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3543571/83816658-eb376900-a690-11ea-99f4-a157728b359e.jpg) **1)audio interface and audio input selection. Light subsampling removed.** Under the command...

I'm struggling to build this project on Windows. I've installed and updated MSYS2 - no issues there. I then tried pasting this entire code into the MSYS shell: ``` ```sh...