Jake LeBoeuf

Results 10 issues of Jake LeBoeuf

`Error: /home/nowuser/src/now-cli: at Socket.nowProc.stderr.on (/home/nowuser/src/src/core.js:85:49)` is `[...]/src/src/[...]` the intended path?

Any chance you'll add in support for Circle CI?

Added a handful of SVG attributes to the props definition list [using the MDN SVG Attribute reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute). This PR adds the following attrs: `calcMode`, `clipPathUnits`, `cx`, `cy`, and `r`.

Looks like a url containing a query string will not open the modal window- is this a known issue? http://some-url.com/#login?err=invalid-email


Any way to help out with image quality? Looks pretty gnar...

I'm new to typescript (and react!), so maybe I'm just doing something wrong? But getting the following error: `error TS2339: Property 'keyframes' does not exist on type 'typeof css'.` ```...

I'm still running into fastboot issues- The app is not crashing, but throws a dank js error and will not fully render the page. ``` Error: Could not find module...

Are "hireable" and "contributions" useful/valid properties to list? Does anybody really care about that stuff?


Provide a prompt to optionally create a markdown list of contributors. This could easily be copy and pasted into their readme.md.


How can I format my request like this? `/articles?page[number]=1&page[size]=1`