Jake Wang
Jake Wang
Blocked by same issue, when mounting a file dataset.
> Blocked by same issue, when mounting a file dataset. I noticed print out the Cstack info and it seems ok. I am unable to download from datastore (workaround above)...
I'm trying to use input dataset in my R training on remote cluster. When passing named data set as input, I can see the input in the AML Studio portal...
@mx-iao , Thank you for the reply, using this approach, can I download files using a pattern such as {path}\data* ?
I can confirm that I can pass data using DataReference from my registered DataStores. Thanks! ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/python/api/azureml-core/azureml.data.data_reference.datareference?view=azure-ml-py
I am having the same issue right now with loading from parquet dataset to dataframe, one of the columns in the dataframe is pulled as list, when it's expected as...
I have also noticed that the bug does not occur consistently across environments, in my compute instance I am able to load the dataframe with the correct datatypes, but when...
I have same issue, linked service is using Account Key auth for storage account. The code works from the notebook, but I get "request is not authorized" error when running...
@simonkurtz-MSFT - We are leveraging the APIM policy to provide the load-balancing functionality for the backend Azure OpenAI resources. Random load balancing is sufficient for many use cases, additionally, you...
@akshararama - I am able to render multiple ExplanationDashboard widgets in the same notebook. DB cluster version - 7.0 ML Libraries: azureml-sdk[explain,interpret,databricks] PyPI - fairlearn PyPI - flask_cors PyPI -...