
Results 12 comments of jaka87

Had the same problem, took me about half an hour to figure out the solution. I came here to write about it so maybe I can save someone's time but...

Great work. I tested it for more than one day with update intervals of about 5min. Everything seems fine.

Reason for UART not function was because of hardware error that i sorted. I noticed that a lot of AT commands has changed from SIM7000. Does anybody has a list...

I have similar issue. After 1-10days connection is dropped on sim7000E and module doesn't reconnect. In my network provider log there is "PDP Context deleted" I do understand that connection...

i believe it is set as automatic (0).. +COPS: 0,0,"A1 SI A1 SI",9 I will try to run `AT+COPS?` before restarting the module to see if the output will be...

I have done some testing on multiple locations and it seems it loses signal every few days on all locations even the ones with excellent signal. Im still not sure...

I also spoke with the network provider that confirm that they did in fact had some network trouble at that time. They did also comment that it appear that I...

It seems the problem is that I am executing AT+CIPMUX=0 command to late when connection is already established. Small change in code seem to fix this issue for now.

I had the same issue. The problem is not with the module nor the network but in the code. In `Adafruit_FONA_LTE::MQTT_publish` getReply is send mutch to high (20 seconds), while...

Thank you for explanation. If i removed Serial1 it does compile but it doesn't work. I dont know if i should put different flags? I tried ``` ISR(USART1_RX_vect) { DEBUGSERIAL.println("interrupt");...