Jaiveer Singh
Jaiveer Singh
We have not encountered this issue in any of our tests, but please do keep us informed on how your comparison is going.
Thank you for your feedback! The stereo image processing step is a core part of the cuVSLAM library, and a simple depth map would be insufficient for this algorithm. We'll...
Hi @sandeepdutta , Could you please identify which launch file you're using? This will help us identify which nodes are running in that component container and isolate where that spurious...
Hi @SyedShayaan - yes, you are right that at the time of writing, the most recent Isaac ROS 2.1 release is not compatible with the JetPack 6.0 Developer Preview. For...
What version of ROS are you using? Can you confirm that your system matches the specific [device requirements](https://nvidia-isaac-ros.github.io/getting_started/index.html#system-requirements) for Isaac ROS? [This thread](https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation2/issues/3840#issuecomment-1737827402) suggests that you might be on a...
Hi @KitsuELP , Are you referring to the SD card image provided [here](https://nvidia-ai-iot.github.io/jetson_isaac_ros_visual_slam_tutorial/sdcard.html)? If so, the Isaac ROS software pre-installed on the SD card is from the older DP3 release....
The [`~/mesh` topic](https://nvidia-isaac-ros.github.io/repositories_and_packages/isaac_ros_nvblox/isaac_ros_nvblox/api/topics_and_services.html#ros-topics-published) published by the Isaac ROS Nvblox node will give you a 3D mesh that can be visualized in RViz.
Was `nvidia-smi` run inside the container, or is that just the output from your host machine? If you didn't already, could you please run `nvidia-smi` inside the container spawned with...
Could you confirm the specifications of your host computer? What operating system and version are you using? Are you using WSL? Running `isaac_ros_apriltag`'s quickstart would be a good debugging step....
Yes, we ship a short rosbag to avoid consuming too much storage. Unlike our other tutorials, we can't use the `--loop` playback mode for Visual SLAM, because the "jump" from...