@dmaurya-gea Are you on the custom theme? Or is it cornerstone?
Hi @findcaiyzh, how old is your token? I would recommend you to create a new one.
@findcaiyzh Does other types of stencil cli token work for you?
Hi @JeffreyModelNo, Is it an open issue for you? If so, could you please provide more information on 1) Are you on the custom theme? 2) How old is your...
@JeffreyModelNo Can you please share store url and theme name on email ([email protected])? I will take a look and provide a feedback for you
Hi @JinMengmeng1998, I see that you are using `in_development` key, which is `true` only in local environment
@andreyvolokitin We had to revert dart sass compilation due to performance implications, so currently it is not being supported.
Hi @isaacismaelx14, thanks for contributing to the repo! The Accept Language Header is coming from the browser settings. I think in order to have not empty, you should change that...
@isaacismaelx14 Is it something you are working on?
Hi @harnerdesigns, do you have a repro here? What theme are you using? How the browser behaves (infinite loading, blank screen, etc.) ?