Jaimin Bhut
Jaimin Bhut
My @react-native-community/datetimepicker version is 3.5.2 & react-native-modal-datetime-picker version is 15.0.1. Using the pickerComponentStyleIOS property, I was able to resolve this issue. I give height in pickerComponentStyleIOS and It worked for...
Just make **convertStringToObject** method in _node_modules/react-native-upi-payment/android/src/main/java/com/upi/payment/UpiPaymentModule.java_ like, ``` convertStringToObject(responseString: string) { let object = {}; const stringArray = responseString?.split('&'); object = stringArray?.reduce((accumulator, current) => { const currentArray = current?.split('='); accumulator[currentArray[0]]...