jaimin ghoghari

Results 5 comments of jaimin ghoghari

I have copied this code to my server also, but it can not read URL

TikTok is blocking the server for more requests...any solution?

can you get Tiktok CDN like this " https://v16.tiktokcdn.com/2622d294a100483e57fe747282084cdd/5fc76921/video/tos/useast2a/tos-useast2a-v-0068/5e1f1989344f425c817735b60c4da413/?a=1180&br=4240&bt=2120&cd=0%7C0%7C0&cr=0&cs=0&dr=0&ds=3&er=&l=2020120204143001023408209757623853&lr=&mime_type=video_mp4&qs=13&rc=anFkO2d5b2hzeDMzPDczM0ApdG9tZ2R4OmxwZTMzOTc8eWduaWdhXnI0ZmpfLS0zMTZzc2RrXjVhc2libXItLTYxLS06Yw%3D%3D&vl=&vr= " with requesting TikTok video URL

I don't know, you can check the video URL of "https://urlebird.com/ " on this website.

https://rapidapi.com/ssovit/api/tiktok-no-watermark1/pricing I have tried this one and it gives tiktokcdn url in response, can you study how they are doing? I have tried but did not get it