Jaime Ondrusek

Results 11 comments of Jaime Ondrusek

I should think a straight-up ping would do. @arcarley can you help this person with clarifications? @dougeby for awareness.

@cinglis-msft can you advise?

@arcarley @Alice-at-Microsoft can either of you advise? Or connect with someone who can?

I'm no longer working in this area; author metadata not assigned yet. @arcarley can you direct to someone on the technical side to advise this person? @dougeby FYI.

@arcarley can you help out here?

@cinglis-msft can you help us get these error codes up to date?

@illfated do you have dev contacts I could connect with on this?

Update: I have contacted the relevant SMEs internally and have just reminded them that we still need help updating these errors.