Ali Jahani

Results 12 issues of Ali Jahani

Hi guys, I am using `nuctl deploy` to deploy a function through command line. It is working fine but the problem is when I use nuclio dashboard to overwrite or...

There was an incorrect flag in original monodepth lidar projection which was kept there for reproducibility purposes. Using incorrect flag will calculate depth from lidar not the camera. see

After a loop closure the map that is published to rviz is a new map for the keyframes that happened after loop closure. error: no matching function for call to ‘actionlib::SimpleActionClient::SimpleActionClient()’ MoveBaseClient ac; It should be related to the constructor

Hi, I was wondering if you could share your evaluation code or tell me which code did you use for evaluation?official kitti evaluation? Did you use lidar raw data or...

Hi again, When I was reading the paper a long time ago, a part of loss function didn't make sense to me. I think there is a potentially important typo...

Hi, Thank you for referencing us. I'm not sure how you are evaluating but I thought it is good to let you know. I just oppened an issue in our...

I requested a couple of days ago but haven't heard back. I was wondering if anyone was approved.

In case if someone got eigen issue, it needs to compile my edited dso :+1: They did some changes to dso but forget to make those changes to dso-ros...