Juan Alberto
Juan Alberto
I saw the same, so I don't think it's possible yet
Hello, when the IMU is working for some time and the heading is correct. I call the get_hard_iron and get_soft_iron services to obtain the correct matrix to then use this...
In respect with this, I have two issues. I used autocalibration of the magnetometer and before 10 minutes I get a good heading, before is impossible. I am using /nav/odom...
As soon as possible, I will try to reproduce the issues and collect data to send to support. Thank you for your response.
I calibrated manually in all directions near to the place that the IMU will be placed, and with the World Magnetic Model option I get better results. I will write...
I have the same issue with gx5-45 but not with gx5-25. EDIT When the GPS is indoor or the antenna is disconnected, the GX45 works fine, the 0 heading is...