Alex Franco
Alex Franco
> In `settings/` with `DISABLE_PANELS` commented out I'm back to 500ms response times or less. Thanks a lot! This save me after lots of hours and days of frustration!
Same here, that first error can be fixed by removing the async=True, however, the error is in yowsup as this follows: ``` File "/Users/jafrancov/dev/python/whatsapp-bot/lib/python3.7/site-packages/yowsup2-2.5.2-py3.7.egg/yowsup/layers/protocol_media/", line 19 def __init__(self, jid, accountJid,...
It looks like async is now a reserved word in Python 3.7+
You almost got it! Your function _foliodate_ just need to be called, and then concatenate the other data you want, here: ``` var fulldate = foliodate(); var folio = area...
Just wondering if this pull requests will be merged, with the updates of Python Telegram Bot, this will solve all the warnings and get it back working again.
@leikoilja That's what I thought, and I did the fork, we are working in a new implementation, but we have to make the changes in the library itself to make...
Have you find any other solution? When I add that line, sends me a 404 page.
@newton21890 Best approach to solve it PR #10
Same issue on 10.13.5, did the same process as @DOCSISMan. Finally I reinstalled the OS, and vualà, hardware available again, so, I guess it's something related with the CAT integration...