Okay, thank you! Where can we find the set of possible ee positions that the arm can acheive?
I am having the same problem, did you solve it?
Okay I will try that. Thank you for the quick response! What exactly is an "environment instance"? I couldn't find a clear definition in the paper.
Also, how many seeds were the non-Minecraft experiments run for?
Update: I seeded dmc_control [here](https://github.com/danijar/dreamerv3/blob/84ecf191d967f787f5cc36298e69974854b0df9c/dreamerv3/embodied/envs/dmc.py#L34). And still got non-deterministic runs. Are there other non-environment sources of randomness not seeded?
I found some non-seeded randomness in the repo. Namely [here](https://github.com/danijar/dreamerv3/blob/de7ad471d93c8bdb6140551984ca2b53c3add657/dreamerv3/embodied/core/wrappers.py#L274) and [here](https://github.com/danijar/dreamerv3/blob/de7ad471d93c8bdb6140551984ca2b53c3add657/dreamerv3/embodied/core/space.py#L17). Wouldn't these affect the agent?