Jacob Roeland

Results 28 comments of Jacob Roeland

Various directory listings, both in a terminal and in a GUI file manager. As it stands, 100-Episode-100.mp3 would appear before 2-Episode-2.mp3, despite the former being posted much later.

Yeap. I've run into this on my own computer and was hoping it was just an issue of mine; looks like it isn't. There's some issue with `ffmpeg` or a...

@cyberhiker The file's been restored. Somehow ended up in the rubbish bin.

Well, _technically_, I had the name first ([Oct 2012](https://github.com/jacroe/pidora/commit/a80b7dad571f3461f0827cc2469d612c4b393b3a) vs [May 2013](http://pidora.ca/pidora/releases/18/release-notes.txt)). So they're the ones that should have to change. :wink: But I'm all for a naming change. PandorPi...

What kind of configurations would you like to set? And specify them in what way? Having a list of them in which older/newer episodes play back to back?

Hmm, the current NPR feed plays as an imitation of normal FM radio: a bunch of songs with a brief interruption of news and then immediately followed by more songs....

Would you call [this](http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) the "official" PEP8 style guide? I'm working on version 2.0\* of Pidora and would rather build it with these ideals in mind. \* In 2.0, I'm...

(Just realized that I included a footnote marker in my above comment and then didn't add the note. Fixed.) Oh yeah converting from tabs to spaces in Sublime Text is...

I've seen other people have this same issue, and I simply haven't seen it yet. I'm not going to say it's unreproducible yet because I'm going to try wiping the...

You wouldn't happen to know of anything else on your Pi that's already using port 8080 do you?