One observation from logs is - metadata is received in issue case but no audio/video data after that. We compared logs of ubuntu working case with webOS non working case....
@sdroege Thank you so much for your quick support. We are checking on how to upload the stream file here as we have restrictions from our firewall. We will share...
@sdroege We have tried the same test run using ndi from [gst-plugins-rs](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-rs/-/tree/main/net/ndi) Server : OBS Studio Stream file used : https://download.samplelib.com/mp4/sample-30s.mp4 Client : webOS device We have observed same behaviour...
@sdroege Sure thanks again. I will report this issue in gitlab.freedesktop.org we can setup NDI Server using using two options - OBS Studio as Server : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTk99mHDX_I - VLC player...
@sdroege i would like to update you on one thing. We have been using gst-plugin-ndi over gst-plugin-rs although gst-plugin-rs has latest ndi source because in webOS , we have gstreamer...
Once again thanks for your quick response. It really helps us know quickly on what next to be done. By the way the reason why i mentioned about the dependency...
@sdroege The above error mentioned was got by building net/ndi alone. And about your time, we are thankful until now for your responses to our queries. We will try to...