Jacob Slusser
Jacob Slusser
I have the same question. It seems like the base abstractions are all geared around connections... which don't lend themselves very well to UDP.
@davidfowl to make sure I understand, do you agree then that the current abstractions are not correct for UDP? i.e. any UDP implementation would _not_ use `IConnectionFactory`, `ConnectionContext`, etc?
ScintillaNET has a bumpy history with drag and drop. Search the issues list and code commits for possible insights. This will take some time to investigate....
Update: I still haven't had time to look at all the issues related to drag and drop. Issue #256 is related to this.
Did you try the workaround described in issue #256 regarding removing the call to [NativeMethods.RevokeDragDrop(Handle);](https://github.com/jacobslusser/ScintillaNET/blob/v3.6.3/src/ScintillaNET/Scintilla.cs#L1641)?
@Stumpii and @Aghlara are correct. If you want to get to a specific character on a specific line, do the math that would determine what position that is, e.g. `line...
It depends a bit on what you're trying to do. If you're interested in assigning the key combination `CTRL+F` a different behavior within ScintillaNET you'll want to use Scintilla's key...
Really?!? You wouldn't want Scintilla to handle `CTRL+C`, `CTRL+V`, `CTRL+Z`, `CTRL+Y`, etc...? There are numerous `CTRL+` keystrokes handled by Scintilla by default: [https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/code/ci/default/tree/src/KeyMap.cxx](https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/code/ci/default/tree/src/KeyMap.cxx) My feeling is that if you want...
Fair point.
I'm trying to follow, but having a hard time understanding. Can you simplify your explanation of the issue?