Jacob Perron
Jacob Perron
My only other thought at the moment is to try reducing the number of packets being requested in the serial stream, e.g. by commenting out any unused data here: https://github.com/AutonomyLab/libcreate/blob/1563e2b3e180e55baa5fcc4cef147cb333227a5c/src/data.cpp#L13-L45...
@process1183 When you say you are using "v2.0.0" for libcreate, are you actually using the tag [2.0.0](https://github.com/AutonomyLab/libcreate/tree/2.0.0) or the head of `master`? I would be sure to try the tag...
Do you think it's safe to ignore the bogus mode value? We could add an option to the driver to workaround the firmware bug by either fixing the off-by-one-error or...
I'm happy to review a pull request with a proposed workaround.
#9 Done.
Although I like having the various information regarding the battery state as individual topics, it might make more sense to bundle them into the existing [sensor_msgs/BatteryState](http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/BatteryState.html) message.
Could use the [sensor_msgs/Temperature](http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/Temperature.html) message for the battery temperature since [sensor_msgs/BatteryState](http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/BatteryState.html) doesn't support temperature.
I was hoping that we could write a unit test involving a single host. I think it might be overkill to introduce docker as a test dependency. I'll at least...
TBH, if you push the rosbag play node into a namespace, I would expect the clock topic to assume that namespace (perhaps just from experience). I think we should avoid...
The question still stands: is it "correct" to default to the root namespace `/clock` or allow it to be namespaced? The only documentation I found on the matter is http://wiki.ros.org/Clock,...