Jacob Ilsø

Results 5 issues of Jacob Ilsø

It would be nice if everything was logged to a file - not only the accept messages.


I am trying to build Emgu CV 4.5.5 with CUDA support in Ubuntu 20.04 but I get this compile error: ``` #14 10493.0 In file included from /app/emgucv/opencv_contrib/modules/cudalegacy/include/opencv2/cudalegacy.hpp:47, #14 10493.0...

If I run scalastyle with `quiet true` specific errors do not get reported. If I run scalastyle with `quiet false` specific errors do get reported but the log is spammed...

I am using atmosphere-cdi 2.4.5 to `@Inject` a `BroadcasterFactory` but I get this error (I had to change the logging to get more details): `2017-09-27 13:20:38,795 ERROR [org.atmosphere.cdi.CDIObjectFactory] (ServerService Thread...

Have you thought of making scalastyle run only on files modified since last scalastyle run? A timestamp comparison of the source files and (if it exists) the scalastyle-output.xml file could...
