
Results 27 issues of jackiszhp

I think that CORS design is completely unnecessary, and so should be abandoned. I have laid down my arguments, if you think you know this issue pretty well, would you...

I think what we need is a receipt verification function. input: the target BTC address, amount of BTC received at the target BTC address, number of confirmations output: true if...

This software follows the Lightning Network Specifications (BOLTs). does this count as an implementation of lightning network? jack

Webcam cam=...; System.out.println("Cancelled, closing cam"); cam.close(); System.out.println("Cam closed"); For 0.3.12 release, dummyDevice with jdk 1.8.0_172, Webcam.close() does not return. The above two print lines, first is printed, 2nd is never...

URL : https://github.com/cocos-creator/creator-docs/blob/master/en/advanced-topics/meta.md how is uuid determined? md5hash(file path)? or sha256Hash(file path)?

can any one point to the files implemented the zero knowledge proof? If can explain how it is used? it will be great! thanks.

I think that CORS design is completely unnecessary, and so should be abandoned. I have laid down my arguments, if you think you know this issue pretty well, would you...

can any one tell me what is the differences between with and without .Rx in the source code folders.

I am wondering how curve25519 is implemented, but without any notes, I just can not understand it at all. anyone can shed some lights on it?